From Reddit: Boston School Committee: Racist and Adultist

You know, adultism: when adults indulge in immature behavior favoring their own comfort and preferences in making decisions for children and teens without even consulting said children and teens, even though the children and teens will feel the effects of the decisions in question MUCH more than the know-it-all adults ever will.

Adultism is so much more insidious than other toxic -isms, because its proponents can convince themselves they're a diverse coalition, when diversity is supposed to mean inclusion. Then they go and DON'T include young people in SO many processes *about* young people.

As a practice it's just so fucking stupid, since young folks tend to have a pretty good perspective on what might actually be helpful for them, their peers, or even kids just a year or two behind them—since they *were* those kids much more recently than we were. But in many situations that perspective never even gets heard, let alone considered.

When I was a kid, Linda Ellerbe told my entire generation of Americans to stand up and fight for our rights too, Kids' Rights was an actual thing and we took to the hallways of our schools and our city council chambers, and we tried to make a stand for planet Earth and justice in the world AND in the home. But now what the hell is my generation doing to our successors?

When we were their age, we knew better on some things. *Not* just thought we did, we *proved* we did, with the help of Ellerbe and other adult heroes from Gen X. There's no reason to think that, as we become our parents, we still know better, even though—the same way we learned tech as an extension of ourselves—they're now programming in preschool and will probably be building and augmenting their entire phenotype by the time they get here.

Where the hell is Viacom now? What the hell happened? Is Greta Thunberg the end of seeing tomorrow campaign to make tomorrow better than today?